A personal diary keeping people abreast of what I am working on writing-wise.

Sunday, November 10, 2002


I can't seem to get a good momentum going on Rayearth 4. Manage to squeeze out about 25 pages at a time or so, meaning I'll be done Tuesday. I am on page 135 now. It's just been one of those weeks/weekends. The first issue of Brian Bendis and Mike Oeming's Powers I am working on is coming together this weekend, and you have no idea the sheer amount of time it takes to go through one of that book's infamous letters pages. Big set-back yesterday. And my evening was consumed by the Garbage/No Doubt show at the Rose Garden--which is by far nothing to complain about. Both bands are excellent onstage. Both Gwen and Shirley are divine.

In my giddiness on Friday, I failed to note the horrifying moment at the barber shop. When the initial trim was being done, and my hair was all combed down, I looked in the mirror and saw my father staring back at me. *shudder*

Current Soundtrack: Beth Orton, Daybreaker; The Vines, Highly Evolved

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