* Source Code, Jake Gyllenhaal goes back in time eight minutes to stop a bomb plot--over and over until he gets it right--in the new film from Moon's Duncan Jones.
I saw the above special edition poster by Olly Moss on Rotten Tomatoes yesterday morning, loved it, and saved it to use for this blog post, and then coincidentally got sent a link to his awesome Thor movie poster, too. Check out the Thor and then look around the rest of his site. His Moon is pretty great, too.
* How Do You Know, the romantic comedy in which the mighty James L. Brooks falls on his face and tries to throw Paul Rudd and Reese Witherspoon down first just to soften the landing. And to think they trusted you, James!
* Mad Men: Season Four: Like you need me to tell you it's any good.
Good time to re-post my drawing of Mad Men's Joan Hollaway, rendered by Joëlle Jones:
Current Soundtrack: Nicole Willis & The Soul Investigators, Keep Reachin' Up
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All text (c) 2011 Jamie S. Rich
That *is a fantastic poster. I've seen some of his stuff linked at /Film also. I'd like to see theater advertising go in that direction on a wider level, but doubt it'll ever happen. Stuff like this gives a sense of mystery. I guess people have become less risk averse and want the poster to tell them everything. A poster like the one above is probably marketed towards peeps who already know they're going to see Source Code. Not such a bad thing, yeah?
The official posters are completely different in nature from this one. A noisy mosaic with the lead actor running towards the viewer. What's the best way to pack every single element of the story into the poster? Create a bunch on snapshots and have the lead running through them like kids do with the autumn leaves. Except in this case, he's running away from the leaves. Because leaves are dangerous. Wait, that's not right.
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