* Anna Karenina, in which Joe Wright goes as crazy as his heroine and throws cinema under the train. But in a good way!
* Life of Pi. The 3D or the tiger? Definitely worth seeing in the theater to see Ang Lee's beautiful adoption of the extra dimension, but expect to be underwhelmed by the story.
* Silver Linings Playbook, in which David O'Russell asks, "How is Bradley Cooper not himself?" You may need a tissue for this one. Either from crying or...er, um...Jennifer Lawrence. (Yeah, I went for that joke.)
* Pier Paolo Pasolini's Trilogy of Life, come on and (try to) get happy as the notorious Italian director makes a film anthology of literature's most revered anthologies. (Also at DVD Talk.)
* D.W. Griffith's Abraham Lincoln, a 1930 biopic in which the grandfather of cinema and the father of John Huston make the 16th President seem like a real dud.
* Die Nibelungen, Fritz Lang's epic silent film adaptation of the classic Nordic poem. From 1925.
Current Soundtrack: The Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds channel on Spotify (Noah & the Whale, Miles Kane, Elbow, etc.); the Factory Dance compilation
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All text (c) 2012 Jamie S. Rich
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