A personal diary keeping people abreast of what I am working on writing-wise.

Friday, September 12, 2008


I just received a copy of the German-language edition of 12 Reasons Why I Love Her, retitled 12 Gründe, dich qu lieben. It's published by Modern Tales over there, and they have put together a lovely hardcover edition with a dust jacket. They have pretty much followed the design of the U.S. paperback, though I do like that when the jacket is off, the artwork appears without any text underneath. They've also added a new interview with myself and Joëlle Jones.

Now I really can't wait to see what they do with Love the Way You Love.

Current Soundtrack: Martina Topley-Bird, The Blue God

1 comment:

Chynna Clugston Flores said...

Awesome, guys! Congratulations!