A personal diary keeping people abreast of what I am working on writing-wise.

Sunday, July 08, 2012


MTV Geek is the latest site to cover It Girl and the Atomics. Another joint interview with myself and Mike Norton.

Geek: A lot of the Madman work, and other titles almost seem like anti-superhero comics. Here, I do think you veer slightly more into superhero world; so why is that necessary for It Girl, and (I’m guessing) how will you continue to subvert those expectations? 
JSR: Hmmmm, I don't know about anti-superhero. To me Mike Allred's work has always touched on the fundamental spark of how the genre began. That's what I'm actually enjoying about working on the book, that we're very much wearing our superhero influences on our sleeves. Mike Norton and I have a similar background in terms of what we cut our teeth on as young readers, and I'm having a blast dreaming up new villains. Like, we plucked the Skunk out of an older Atomics comic, but we're giving him new pals: the Hedgehog, the Otter, and the Ferrett. When Norton sent me the character designs, it cracked me up. It was so cool to see some old school whackjob bad guys.  
More than anything, we're embracing the escapist element of this kind of entertainment. Superhero comics should be fun and colorful and starring characters you generally like. It Girl is someone you'd actually want to take out for coffee after she saves you from muggers. She's just a good egg. 
MN: Yeah, I've always seen the Madmanverse as a love letter to superhero comics through a fringe sort of lens. Not necessarily a deconstruction.

Read it!

The first issue goes to press this week. Don't forget, if you're in San Diego and going to Comic Con, Mike Norton and the Allreds will be signing It Girl posters at the Image Comics book on Saturday!

Current Soundtrack: The Bird and the Bee, "F-cking Boyfriend (Peaches Remix)"

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