* Two Lovers, a rough and often tough-going romantic tale about the ups and downs of the heart. With Joaquin Phoenix and Gwyneth Paltrow.
* Over at my Criterion blog, I also review Revanche, an Oscar-nominee for Best Foreign Language Film this year. It's an excellent dramatic crime picture.
And don't forget my PIFF reviews. Three more movies will be up tomorrow.
* Cannery Row, a Steinbeck adaptation that falls short of the mark thanks to a strained and hokey stylistic nostalgia. With Nick Nolte and Debra Winger.
* A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints, an interesting but all too familiar coming-of-age tale that asks you to believe that Shia LaBeouf will become Robert Downey Jr.
* Hobson's Choice - Criterion Collection, a wonderful comedy from director David Lean and actor Charles Laughton. (Also at Criterion Confessions.)
* Natalie Wood Signature Collection, a new boxed set that is mostly full of misses from the Warners back catalogue. It does contain the new edition of Splendor in the Grass, though.
Current Soundtrack: "Jeopardy" on TV
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All text (c) 2009 Jamie S. Rich
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