Listening to this Kasabian track, just as I type the final pages of a script that only one person knew for sure I was writing, busy hands working in the shadows, surprised that I had gotten here, surprised by the coincidence of the song on my stereo...
"This is the end of the tracks
Where the fountains close
This is the end of time..."
And, no, you can't know what it's for. Sorry, but you not knowing means it's still possible to declare it's awful and scrap it, and you be none the wiser. I wouldn't say anything at all, but I kind of want to stick my head out a window and shout about it. I started on April 28 and it's been solid work practically every day and I'm done!
But, not to be too secretive or unsharing, here is a lovely group of drawings Nico sent over, just so you don't walk away with nothing, no matter how unrelated that something may be:
I totally messed up last week and forgot to post that he would be at the Amiens Comic Book Festival in Amiens, France. I don't know if it would have helped anyone on this blog, anyway, like you're reading it now and thinking, "Curse you, Rich, I could've gone had you told me!" but still...
The above drawings were done for people at the show. He said he did "hundreds" of them. Yikes! The website gives him his own pages. A bio, and it looks like some gallery images.
He also did the following to promote the show, and I believe they were cut in half for bookmarks:
Yes, those are the Spell Checkers girls up top.
Current Soundtrack: Kasabian, Morrissey, Yuzo Kayama and the Launchers
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