A new column compiling the best of the "art house" reviews at DVD Talk kicked off this week. Currently, I am in charge of it, and you can read the first installment of "Talking Out of Frame" here. It was intended to be out a couple of weeks ago, but there were some delays carving out the virtual space for it. The next one will likely be sooner rather than later.
* Where the Wild Things Are will make you believe in the impossible in every way.
* British Cinema: Renown Pictures Crime & Noir (Blackout, Bond of Fear, Home To Danger, Meet Mr. Callaghan, No Trace, Recoil), collecting six films from the 1950s, none of them very good.
* Rescue Me: Season 5, vol. 1. As macho as you wanna be.
Current Soundtrack: Richard Hawley, Truelove's Gutter
e-mail = golightly at confessions123.com * Criterion Confessions * Live Journal Syndication * My Corporate-Owned Space * ComicSpace * Last FM * GoodReads * The Blog Roll [old version] * DVDTalk reviews * My Books On Amazon
All text (c) 2009 Jamie S. Rich
I am SOOO excited for Where the Wild Things Are!!!
maybe it's just me, but I was distracted by "tony soprano" as the lead Wild Thing. there seemed a number of lines where, where it MST3K, I would have made some Mob joke after one of his lines.
I hope there's lost footage with more of Keener and Ruffalo.
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