A personal diary keeping people abreast of what I am working on writing-wise.

Sunday, August 16, 2009


Nico is celebrating the 2nd anniversary of his blog, and he has invited a bunch of his artist friends to contribute a drawing to a special birthday post. He got a lot of fine draftsmen on board...and then he got me.

Follow the image through to see the good ones. Tally's is pretty remarkable. (Hey, lady, can you provide a translation?) I also like Ruddy Pomarède's zombie Nico and Ipomée's sweetly drawn tribute...well, they're all good. Just go look.

Current Soundtrack: Elbow, "Lullaby/Our Little Boat/A Regret"

1 comment:

Natalie Nourigat said...

Oops! Here it is: http://tallychyck.deviantart.com/art/Happy-Birthday-Nico-s-Blog-133657016