A personal diary keeping people abreast of what I am working on writing-wise.

Friday, April 23, 2010


Just a quick post of a couple links. Nico is here and we're about to visit Oni, and Stumptown starts tomorrow.

* The wonderful Jen Vaughn asked me to contribute an article to the Schulz Library blog, writing about the art of the convention sketchbook. You can read the article here.

Let's not forget Jen's own contribution to my sketch collection:

* And Broken Frontier weighs in with the first negative review of Spell Checkers, and it's absolutely hysterical. Dude, takes it way seriously. Read the whole thing, but some choice nuggets:

"I’m not really sure what inspired writer Jamie S. Rich to pen this story. Personally, I couldn’t have been less interested in this comic book if it was a graphic rendition of my home owner’s insurance policy."

"There are also quite a few problems with the actual mechanics of the book’s story. Because I disliked the three main characters so strongly, I focused my attention on the actual rules of the witchcraft being used. The three girls draw their powers from magical dolls that are consecrated in each others’ blood. And, what witch story doesn’t have a grimoire? There’s one here, and each witch takes her turn with the book, studying it and learning new spells. And yet, these spells are so simple it’s not even necessary to study them at all. For example, so Kimberly can smoke in class, she simply says “bubble,” and an enchanted bubble appears around her to contain the smoke. This is what the great witches of old transcribed into their dusty tomes: easy tips to help bratty teens go forth in life with their dirty habits? This is the legacy of great real-world occultists like John Dee and Jack Parsons. It’s a tragedy."

"It’s unfortunate that the artwork of Nicholas Hitori de doesn’t lend anything to this comic. His illustrations are incredibly sketchy, with lines appearing blurred and sloppy. These drawings look like rough drafts instead of final products. But the real problem with the artwork is the mass of uncountable Ben-Day dots. I don’t know the reason for them, whether it’s stylistic or for printing costs, but they are so intrusive to the artwork that they left me dizzied."

I had to look up Ben-Day dots. That's my favorite part. I am not sure if he thinks they don't require actual ink or because they are so old we get them on special or what, but the printing process eludes this poor gentleman.

Absolute love!

Current Soundtrack: Gorillaz, "The Sounder;" Cabaret Voltaire, "Breathe Deep"


Chatterbox said...

On the mechanics, I simply quote Comic Book Guy: "Are we to believe this is some sort of magic xylophone?"

Mark Coale said...

So, John Dee was a real wizard?

He forgot to name drop Crowley.

I look forward to your insurance policy comic coming in the future.