When I ran across Zaxy.com and discovered their subtitle was "That Girl is a Geek," I knew they were a site I could get behind. So, I sent Tara, their comics girl, a copy of Spell Checkers Volume 1
"This ain’t no Sabrina the Teenage Witch. The graphic novel reads like a wittier, current Mean Girls. And these girls are, indeed, mean. You’re rooting for the anti-hero, and you have a great time doing it.
But don’t worry boys, the writing and action is funny, fast paced, and cool enough to keep you hooked even if catty teenage girls aren’t your thing."
More in the link. Spend some time nosing around their site, it's totally worth it. They have a fun, different perspective.
Bonus illo for this post: Nico drew me this little drawing of Kimmie at Stumptown. Strathmore was handing out samples of some cool trading-card-sized paper for artists to use at shows, and he and Joëlle were passing fabulous mini sketches back and forth.
Actual size: 2 1/2" X 3 1/2"
Current Soundtrack: Gorillaz, "Three Hearts, Seven Seas, Twelve Moons;" Interpol, "Lights" (free download); Ash, "Arcadia/Space Shot (live)" (free download)
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All text (c) 2010 Jamie S. Rich